Our Offer

Seismic Acqusition - Onshore, Offshore, OBN, OBC, TZ

Pro Geofizyka Kraków is a new build company. Our strength is the experience of our professionals who holds 15+ years of worldwide onsite work. Our hands-on experience is priceless. Our standards, quality and dedication to meet our client’s demands have proven track records with every one of our experts.

Our main product is the exploration services which include:

- seismic data acquisition
- seismic data processing
- interpretation and geological structure mapping
- geological-geophysical exploration designing
- technical planning
- topography surveying
- a non-seismic method such as magnetotellurics AMT / CSAMT, gravity & microgravity, magnetics, electrical resistivity tomography ERT, vertical electrical sounding VES, induced polarization IP, ground penetrating radar GPR
- non-seismic data processing & interpretation,modelling and visualization; 2D/3D inversion of geophysical gata, integrated interpretation of non-seismic & seismic data, geological interpretation, reprocessing of legacy data, transient electromagnetic TEM/TDEM, conductivity electromagnetic EM, ground penetrating radar GPR, very low frequency VLF, shallow seismic methods

We execute the prospects with the most modern recording cable-free equipment such as Quantum by Inova, Sercel Unite/WiNG, Smart Solo and GCL/OBX by Geospace.